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New Year New You

It’s that time of year again! Gyms are packed and resolutions are in full swing. We’ve heard it time and time again: new year, new you. But why make resolutions you won’t stick to in 2018? Meaningful change doesn’t have to come as a result of drastic measures. Making slight tweaks in your behavior can yield surprisingly tangible results. Try these five simple things to start your year off right.

1. Buy one new outfit.

Is there a look you’ve secretly wanted to try, but think you can’t pull off? Just go for it! Ask a friend to help you shop if you have to. There’s no reason to keep denying yourself of the image you want to project to the world. Whether it’s a more rock ‘n roll, hippie chic or modern, casually elegant version of you, give it a shot. Start small with a coat or a pair of pants that really diverge from what you’re used to. This way, you don’t have to commit to an entire outfit. You’ll soon realize you can cater to the different versions of yourself better than you thought. Slowly building a unique wardrobe will give you the confidence boost you need at work and home.

2. Learn a new skill just because.

Learning things ‘just because’ keeps your mind fresh and open to new possibilities. Give yourself permission to check out of your routine responsibilities and obligations to do something that’s not just for you, but good for you too. Whether it’s work related or personal, continued education has benefits beyond the actual skills themselves. You’ll be engaged in a whole new way, fueling creativity, excitement and a sense of accomplishment in your everyday life.

Not sure where to start? Check out Skillshare for ideas!

3. Join a meet up group.

It’s so important to nurture your interests. Personal or professional, it doesn’t matter what you’re passionate about. What does matter is that you’re putting yourself out there, growing your network and surrounding yourself with like-minded people. Doing so will open up opportunities for collaboration, learning and growth. Start with Meetup to find a group near you, or even create your own.

4. Commit to getting up a half hour earlier every day.

Start each day meditating, journaling or visualizing yourself achieving your goals. Why? These are proven pathways to success. It’s a small investment to make in yourself that costs nothing, but will pay big dividends in return. So much can happen in a short time after setting yourself up with an introspective practice. You’ll begin to understand what truly makes you happy, where you find your purpose and if you’re surrounding yourself with the right people.

5. Make healthy your new habit (but with room to cheat).

Instead of putting pressure on yourself to lose ten pounds in the next month, just commit to making healthy choices. If you consistently and consciously choose things that benefit your health, you’ll soon find yourself making healthy choices instinctively. What once required effort and thought will become second nature to you. It can be about the food you eat, how much alcohol you consume or how often you go to the gym. Giving yourself all or nothing options is not a sustainable plan for the long term. Make more healthy choices and see how much better you feel next year!