Sunday Scaries

You’ve heard of the Sunday scaries, but what about the Monday scaries? The overwhelming feeling that develops after a long first day of the work week when you suddenly realize you still have a four full days to get through. Of course, there could be several reasons why you’re not “feeling it” this week, but regardless, you’ll still have to get through it.

You have to take the good with the bad and accept that everyday might not be your BEST workday. However, these feelings shouldn’t be a frequent occurrence and the good days should definitely outweigh the bad. So, if you do find yourself having the Monday (or the Sunday) scaries more often than not, maybe it’s time to reevaluate your situation.

If you just need some help getting back on track – here are 5 ways to help you get through your not-so-favorite work week.

Guarantee Your Down Time

When you leave work, don’t bring the stress of the day with you. Make time for the things that are important to you and don’t overcommit. Perhaps it’s preparing a meal you have yet to try or signing up for that workout class you’ve been eyeing recently. Whatever it is, make sure it’s really about you. Instead of it being something you have to get done, make it something you enjoy doing.

Set Daily Goals

Reorganize your priorities for the week and set specific goals to achieve each day. Many times, the start of the work week can seem daunting because there’s a full list of things to get done. Setting daily goals will help your list seem less overwhelming and will be a motivating factor as you get things accomplished and start seeing your to-do list dwindle down.

Get Up and Walk Away

If you’re still feeling overwhelmed throughout the work week, try taking a few 5-minute breaks to walk away and regroup. This gives you the opportunity to release your frustration or tension, rather than bottling it up and holding onto it for the rest of the day.

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Acknowledge Your Importance

Remind yourself of your value at work and realize how without you, things just wouldn’t work the same way. Remember, you are a crucial piece of the success of both your team and the company as whole.

Check Your “Good” to “Bad” Day Ratio

Like I mentioned earlier – maybe it’s just a bad day or week or there are outside factors affecting you, but the Monday scaries shouldn’t turn into a bi-weekly theme. If you’re keeping track, hopefully the bad days are few and far between. And if, for whatever reason, your Monday kicked the work week off a little rocky, try to focus on some of the good days you’ve had and the feelings you left with on those day. Look back on a recent success or ahead to a specific goal you’re looking forward to working on in the future.