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job search playlist

Job searching for any length of time can be demoralizing. But it doesn’t have to be. We tie so much of our own value to being desirable to potential employers, that when a job search lasts longer than we expected, it’s easy to start questioning our worth.

Inspiration is hard to hold on to and motivation can melt away before our eyes. Take a good look in the mirror once in a while and remember all you have achieved and all that you are still capable of offering the world.

If the pep talk in the mirror just isn’t enough, music can be extra motivating. So when you’re down, sing yourself back to life. And once you’ve done that, don’t stop singing!

Here are 10 songs to keep you empowered while job searching. Add them to your playlist today!

1. “Congratulations” – Post Malone:

Don’t let the voices from your past keep you down. The only sound you need to listen to is that of your own determination. Just think how good it will feel when you get to look back and say, “Yeah we made it.”

2. “Hall of Fame” – The Script featuring

Ever dream of being a champion? Champions come in all shapes and sizes. Whatever it is you want to achieve plan on being the best you can be at it. Know it might take a long time but, “Don’t wait for luck. Dedicate yourself and you can find yourself standing in the hall of fame.”

3. “Thunder” – Imagine Dragons:

Things may have you down at the moment. It’s especially hard at times when you realize you’re just “not a yes sir, not a follower.” But you know what you’re made of. People may not be able to fit you into a mold, but they’ll soon see that’s just what it’s like for people who are “lightning before the thunder.”

4. “My Shot” – Hamilton Original Broadway Cast:

The title alone sends a clear message. If you ever needed a reminder that your time on this Earth is limited and that this isn’t the dress rehearsal, this is it. Alexander Hamilton was sure as hell not going to throw away his shot. He died when he was 46 and look at all he accomplished. Say it out loud, “I am not throwing away my shot.”

5. “Eye of the Tiger” – Survivor:

Bringing it back to 1983 with this one. And why not? It’s a classic that stands the test of time.”You trade your passion for glory. Don’t lose your grip on the dreams of the past. You must fight just to keep them alive.” When you need a boost to stay the course, this is just about as good as it gets.

6. “Roar” – Katy Perry:

Staying with our “Eye of the Tiger” theme, prove all those who blocked your path to advancement wrong. Just because you didn’t get the promotion or the job you just interviewed for, there’s no reason to stop believing in yourself. Be “louder than a lion.”

7. “Empire State of Mind” – Jay-Z featuring Alicia Keys:

With a direct nod to Frank Sinatra’s classic, “New York, New York,” when you’re feeling like you need a total reboot this song will “make you feel brand new.”  So get back on the horse and know “there’s nothing you can’t do.”

8. “Fight Song” – Rachel Platten:

Everybody needs a “take back my life song” and until you have your own you can borrow Rachel Platten’s.

9. “Lose Yourself” – Eminem:

When the pressure is on, “you better lose yourself in the music, the moment you own it, you better never let it go.” Who doesn’t get motivated when listening to this?

10. “It’s My Life” – Bon Jovi:

That’s right. This essential Bon Jovi classic brought us into the new millennium when it was released in 2000 communicating a common theme. “Luck ain’t enough. You’ve got to make your own breaks.”