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summer blues

For many people, the end of summer can feel just as depressing as the end of the year. As September approaches, we become acutely aware that summer is over. Endings in general can easily bring up feelings of anxiety, sadness and general malaise. The party’s not over yet though. There are still a few precious weeks left of summer Fridays and extended days. One strategy is to deal with this time of year just as you would the end of December. Enjoy yourself before transitioning to a more structured mindset.

Whether you have a professional or personal goal set for yourself, don’t beat yourself up for not having it completed by the end of the summer. Take advantage of the end of summer by setting some fun resolutions that will allow you to look forward to something.

Here are some ideas to help you get started:

1. Look into taking a class that excites you.

Just because you’re not in school doesn’t mean you can’t capture that “back to school” feeling. Sign up for a class or certificate that is of interest. Just the act of looking into continuing education will help you feel like you’re doing something proactive to help you take control of your future.

2. Plan a trip.

Nothing helps you get over an ending faster than actually having something new and exciting to look forward to. Even if your plans aren’t set in stone, exploring travel destinations and making plans could give you just the boost you need.

3. Reconnect with old friends.

You know those friends who just get you? The ones that make it easy to pick right back up where you left off, whether it’s been a month, six months or even closer to a year. Reach out and make it a point to get in touch while you still have some down time to enjoy these last weeks. It’s a guaranteed mood lifter.

4. Summer Staycation with yourself.

Sometimes we just need to take time for ourselves. There are times when a massage, a yoga class or a night at home with a good book will suffice. End of summer blues is not one of them. Treat yourself to a night at a hotel and really get away from your own personal surrounding so you can allow yourself to be objective and think about your future plans. Check in with yourself about your career path, professional goals and go over the actions you’re taking to get yourself there.

5. Engage in some spring cleaning.

The weather isn’t the only thing that’s about to change in a few weeks, so is your wardrobe. Embrace the change and get yourself and your closet ready for the next chapter. Purging the things you don’t need and making space for the new will not only declutter your physical space, but your mental space as well. There’s no reason to hold on to dresses you wore 10 years ago, scrap paper with phone numbers of people you’re never going to call or every piece of art your child ever created. Clearing out your space at home can be unbelievably freeing, leaving you with the room to take in whatever adventure the fall brings your way.