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Hate Job

If you’re just starting out in your career this may come as a shock. If, on the other hand, you’ve been at this rodeo for a while, this may be sadly relatable. A new study has come out stating that by 35, people start hating their jobs.

Regardless of your age, one thing is certain, there’s no reason you need to feel forever doomed to stay in a job you don’t find fulfilling. Of course change doesn’t come easy, but if you’re willing to put in the effort you’ll definitely gain the rewards.

So…if you’re on the road to work unhappiness or you’ve been in an unfulfilling work situation for longer than you’d care to admit, take action.

Ask yourself the following:

Are you feeling unfulfilled because of the work you do or the environment you’re in?

It may seem like a simple thing to figure out but a less than ideal work environment can cloud your view of your work. Likewise, if you’re unhappy in your role and with the work you’re doing, it may distort your perception of your workplace.

Are your expectations realistic?

Generally, we’d all love to be the boss, make the decisions, work from home whenever we like and have unlimited vacation time. But take a look at what you’re hoping to get out of your work situation. Is it growth potential, a sense of being valued or higher earning potential? Of course, satisfaction comes from a mix of these components. But if you’re able to prioritize their importance to you, you’ll be in a better position to ask for what will make you happiest. If you can’t attain it in your current role, you’ll know what to look for in your next position.

What is the biggest thing that would need to change for you to be happier in your current situation?

There may be several things bothering you about your current situation. Making an effort to improve just one area will start to make you feel better. You may even find that changing one thing positively impacts other areas of concern.

Talk to your manager about anything you might be able to change. If you can’t have a completely flexible schedule, could you shift your hours? Would taking a responsibility off your plate and delegating it to someone else free up your time to work on the things you take more pleasure in? Work on one thing at a time and you might just turn your situation around.

Are you capable of major change?

There’s no reason to live with a laundry list of “should haves,” but wanting something doesn’t mean it’s right for you either. Ask yourself: “What will it take for me to make the changes that will get me to where I want to go?” Does it involve going back to school and perhaps even taking out loans to do so? Only you know what you can commit to and what you can handle. Be honest about what is needed and your ability and desire to make it happen.

Have you exhausted your exploration?

Many of us have limited experience with various careers outside of our own. The right job for you might be a position you don’t even know exists. Be sure you’re researching a wide range of open positions to see what people are hiring for and what skills are needed in those roles. Doing this may broaden your view of what’s possible and bring clarity to which path you need to follow.

Are you networking enough?

If I’ve said it once, I’ve said it a thousand times. Most people find jobs through networking. Don’t underestimate the power of networking. Regardless of your age, it’s important to gain perspective from those who are both your senior and your junior. Our natural tendency is to seek out the advice of those who have more experience than we do. However, there is also value in the knowledge of millennials, so pick their brains too!