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The events of 2020 sparked a new way of thinking about how companies accommodate their workforce. Remote work, though not entirely new, gained unprecedented traction, with a remarkable 35% of full-time remote workers in 2022, and an additional 23% capable of doing so part-time. A McKinsey report projected that these figures translate to a staggering 92 million people who have the option to work remotely, whether partially or entirely, throughout the week. While remote work undeniably offers numerous benefits, it also has the potential to significantly increase work-related stress.  

Remote Work-Related Stress 

A recent American Psychiatric Association survey revealed that nearly two-thirds of remote workers’ homes feel isolated or lonely at least sometimes, and 17% do all the time. This is especially true for younger adults (18 to 29-year-olds and 30 to 44-year-olds). The feelings of isolation many remote workers experience are often compounded by fatigue and an inability to walk away from work at the end of the day. Without being around their colleagues in an office environment, remote workers often feel disconnected from their peers with a decreased sense of belonging. 

7 Strategies for Thriving in a Remote Career 

 So, how can remote workers leverage the benefits of working from home while countering the adverse effects? Read on for tips on preventing work-from-home burnout.  

1. Practice Time Management

Schedule your day and assign a specific time for different tasks. This will help you focus on one thing at a time and allow time for concentration.  

2. Create a dedicated workspace

A separate workspace helps create clear boundaries between your personal and professional life. It also enables you to walk away from the workspace at the end of the day and only revisit it when a new workday has begun, much like an in-person office. 

3. Take care of yourself

Remote work-related stress can be draining. Determine what activities refresh you, such as exercising, reading a book, or playing with your dog, and work them into your daily schedule. It will help reinvigorate you and allow you to improve your concentration on your work tasks.   

4. Reward yourself

Keep yourself motived and inspired by rewarding yourself for completing a task or achieving a goal. Whether having your favorite snack or a quick phone call with a friend, pause and celebrate your hard work.  

5. Collaborate

Use collaboration tools like Slack, Teams, and Zoom to stay connected with your team. These platforms keep everyone on the same page while providing an easy way to share updates, documents, and ideas.   

6. Schedule regular check-ins

Schedule time to check in with your colleagues where you can discuss challenges, brainstorm solutions, and provide feedback. These check-ins will help everyone feel they are on the same page, regardless of location.  

7. Take breaks

Breaks renew your motivation and focus. Be intentional about taking regular breaks throughout your workday and scheduling activities with friends or family outside of work.  

Put These Tips into Action

Managing remote work-related stress is crucial for establishing an effective work-life balance. The tips above are part of a proactive approach to stress management that will allow you to thrive in a remote work environment. By implementing these strategies, you can enjoy a productive and rewarding remote work experience. 

Abigail Joyce
Abigail Joyce

Abigail is the Recruitment Marketing Specialist at Atrium. She has also held roles for the firm as a Recruiter and Project Assistant. Her various educational and career experiences have helped to shape her unique job seeker and hiring manager perspective.