Important Notice: Beware of Job Scams. We have been alerted to recent fraudulent activity involving scammers posing as our company to contact job seekers. Read here for more information.
Dream Job

What does the job of your dreams entail? Further, how can you capture said dream job? Allow me to share with you the first two steps I took to capture my dream job and a handful of helpful tips to assist you along the way.

Step 1: Take some time and think about what you want.

Before you start blasting out your resume, consider what your dream job looks like. Really, what do you want in a job? How much do you want to earn? Do you want to work with a team? What kind of tasks will you do day-to-day? How many hours do you want to work? What kind of atmosphere are you looking for in a company? Where is this job in proximity to where you live?

By getting specific about what would make you happy in you career, you are more likely to end up in a job you actually want. Once you’ve answered these questions and hopefully more of your own; you’re ready to move on to step two.

Step 2: Apply to the paper version of your dream job.

In other words, search for positions that are in line with your dream job. If you want a job in the city; apply to jobs in the city. If you want a job located in the city that also pays what you want, now we’re getting somewhere. Hopefully you are able to find a handful of jobs that match your criteria, almost to a T.

Once you find a few dream job contenders, put everything you have into your application. This includes three key things: 1) make your resume stand out, 2) fill out their questionnaire exactly how they ask (I know it’s the same information as what you have on your resume. Do it anyway. Thank me later.), 3) submit a cover letter. This is arguably the most important thing to get you a chance at your dream job. Explain your work history and why you will make a good fit for the position that they’re looking to fill. Sell yourself, put yourself in the best possible light.

Take it a key step further: 4) match as many job duties presented in the job description as possible to tasks you’ve performed successfully in the past. If the job description mentions there will be some filing and you were a student who put papers in a folder, or notebook while in class, you’ve filed and therefore should let them know you can handle such a task.

Bonus Tip: Before you submit anything, ask yourself if you were the hiring manager, would you hire you?

Check back for “How I Landed My Dream Job (Part 2)” next month!