Important Notice: Beware of Job Scams. We have been alerted to recent fraudulent activity involving scammers posing as our company to contact job seekers. Read here for more information.

As a job seeker, when you finally get an offer for a position, you may think the hardest part is over. You’ve been through the job search, the interview process, the waiting and now the offer is on the table. You are almost to the finish line but how do you decide whether the job is right for you? Our experienced Recruiters have offered up some helpful tips and questions you can ask yourself before signing on the dotted line.

1. First, you should always prioritize your short and long term career goals. Then assess if this role is helping them to meet any of these goals and what is the opportunity cost of accepting this role. What is more important;  making more money or finding a job that gets you closer to your long-term goals? How long can you see yourself in this position? What will you gain from it? Will you have to give anything up?

2. Are you leaving a current job to take another position? If so, were you searching for a new job or did they come looking for you? Are you happy where you are now? If so, you should look for more than just an increase in salary in order to make a switch. Money can’t buy happiness!

3. With the unemployment rate being sky high, are you settling for a job that you wouldn’t normally accept in a better economy? Things to consider here: What is the potential for growth in this position? How long have you been out of work? How much longer can you afford to be out of work?

4. What was your initial reaction to the culture of the company? Did you have a connection with your interviewer or anyone else you have met along the process?

5. If you had to make a decision now, like right this moment, what would you do?

Hopefully you will make the right choice! Best of luck.

– Allie B.

AtriumAtrium Staffingcareer goalsinterviewjob seekerrecruiter

Allie Basilica
Allie Basilica

Allie Basilica is the Director of Integrations at Atrium. She also has a passion for helping candidates navigate the social media space and uncover new ways for them to connect with potential employers and professional communities.