Important Notice: Beware of Job Scams. We have been alerted to recent fraudulent activity involving scammers posing as our company to contact job seekers. Read here for more information.

When it comes to interviews, every one is different. As a result, there is no exact science to acing the ever-important first meeting with a potential employer. While we cannot give you the perfect formula, we can provide a few tips to keep in mind when heading out for an interview.

1. Be thoughtful. Silence might seem awkward, but in a job interview, it means that your answers are not rehearsed. You should be formulating your answers on the spot because you are being asked questions on the spot.  Give the interviewer time to ask the question in its entirety before jumping to answer.

2. Be honest. Don’t just give the interviewer the answer you think he/she wants to hear because chances are, they don’t. Generic answers will not separate you from other potential candidates and your interview is the perfect time to show humility or make yourself relatable.

3. Don’t oversell yourself. No one is perfect, so you are not going to be expected to come off as such. When going on an interview, the end goal is to be offered a position, but remember that you don’t want to misrepresent yourself.

4. Always try to provide examples to back up your answers. When a tough interview question comes along such as, “what is your biggest weakness?” don’t just say, “I’m over-analytical.” Instead, say something like, “Sometimes I research topics too long before actually picking up the phone and making a call. I realize that I might be a bit over-analytical.” Use the opportunity to recognize something you can improve upon.

5. Overarching theme: Sell yourself. Leave the impression that you want the job and the company needs you. Even if you aren’t positive that the job is a perfect fit for you, it is better to have options during a job search!

Now go out and get that job!

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Allie Basilica
Allie Basilica

Allie Basilica is the Director of Integrations at Atrium. She also has a passion for helping candidates navigate the social media space and uncover new ways for them to connect with potential employers and professional communities.