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You constantly hear tips about best practices for a job interview…what to wear, what to say, what to bring. Well, today we are talking about what NOT to do in a job interview. I’ve polled counselors across all 8 Atrium Staffing offices and here are the top 10 tips on behaviors to avoid while interviewing for your next big opportunity:

1. Don’t forget to turn off your cell phone. There is nothing worse than your Lady Gaga ringtone interrupting your spiel on how professional you are.

2. Never, ever chew gum or bring coffee. If you are someone who gets dry mouth when you’re nervous, bring a bottle of water.

3. Don’t be unprepared. Come with a crisp copy of your resume and maybe even a back up. Even though you’ve already sent your resume via email, a hard copy is always welcome.

4. Don’t stay seated when the interviewer enters the room. Always stand and introduce yourself clearly, with a firm handshake.

5. Never bash an ex (or current) employer. It’s OK to explain your reasons for leaving a company, but try to put a positive spin on a negative experience.

6. Don’t drop the F-bomb (or use any other foul language for that matter). You’d think it goes without saying, but you would be amazed!

7. Try not to be too casual, even when you feel comfortable. A potential employer wants to come away from an interview feeling like they got a taste of the “real” you but make sure you don’t over share personal information.

8. Never keep your coat on. Even if it’s cold outside… take it off!

9. Be consistent. Don’t tell mismatching stories in the interview from what your resume reads.

10. Don’t delay in sending a thank you. We suggest an immediate email thank you and a handwritten note to show them you mean business!

Hopefully this will serve as a checklist to you before you head off on your next interview. Good luck!

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Allie Basilica
Allie Basilica

Allie Basilica is the Director of Integrations at Atrium. She also has a passion for helping candidates navigate the social media space and uncover new ways for them to connect with potential employers and professional communities.