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Summer reading

If you’re a natural-born procrastinator, summertime just might be your worst enemy (or at least your boss’s). The hot, hazy days of summer can often result in a productivity slump for even the best of workers. Don’t let the slower pace get the better of of you. Beat the heat with these four books to reduce procrastination and increase productivity.

Getting Things Done

David Allen is one of the most prolific productivity writers and coaches. GTD is a total work-life management system with five simple steps: capture, clarify, organize, reflect and engage. By gaining control through the workflow as well as perspective, this program offers a very clear and tactical approach to, well, getting things done.

The 4 Hour Work Week

While the basis of this book is to give you the tools to totally revamp your life, you can use it to challenge your way of thinking. It may also help you revive your passions, find what you love and what you want to be doing with your time. You don’t have to be an entrepreneur in hiding to benefit from Tim Ferris’ advice, though he just might awaken something inside you that you’ve been ignoring. Either way, you’ll learn a multitude of invaluable tips on how to live like a millionaire even if you’re not one.

The Power of Habit

This book will impact every aspect of your life as you examine your own habits, how they’re formed and how to change them. This is a great read for someone interested in more than specific tips but real stories that go beyond the corporate world. Noted as one of the “essential manuals for business and living” by the Financial Times and praised by other productivity experts, this book by Pulitzer Prize winning business reporter Charles Duhigg is an all-around great read, even if you don’t need help forming new habits.

How to Be a Productivity Ninja

Graham Allcott is the founder of Britain’s most popular productivity workshop company, Think Productive. He proclaims that time management is dead. It’s a different game now and he offers 21st century solutions for tech savvy people. Relatable, fun to read and practical to implement, this is one of the most loved productivity books of our time. Learn how to deal with information overload and to distinguish between being busy and being productive.

Eat that Frog

If you eat a live frog every morning, you’ll be able to go through the rest of your day knowing that you’ve already tackled the worst possible thing for the day. This is the foundation of the approach to knowing the things you need to do and when to do them. You’ll learn how your ability to select your most important task in each moment and commit will have more impact on your success than anything else. Brian Tracy details this and other techniques you can start using right away to get the results you need to get ahead.