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Right around the time we get into a good summer groove is usually when we realize that in a few more weeks, it will all be over. The first half of the season may be spent procrastinating and pushing off obligations, while the second half may seem like you’re playing catch up at work. Don’t let a summer slump get in the way of getting your work done with time to spare. Here are 5 easy ways to boost your productivity without going into overdrive.

Walk Away from Your Desk

Productivity isn’t determined by the amount of time you spend sitting in front of your computer. Taking a walk gives you the perspective you need to come back and tackle any task with a fresh perspective.

Give Yourself the Gift of Time

If the pace of your office has slowed down, take advantage of the ability to focus on one project at a time. Multi-tasking is a great skill, but give it a rest. Enjoy being able to put your attention on one task or project and see it through to completion. It’s rare that you’ll have this luxury later in the year.

Reward Yourself for Getting Things Done

You don’t need to celebrate every email reply, but giving yourself little things to look forward to once a good amount of work is completed can be very motivating. You can also try giving yourself a time limit to up the challenge. Finish the report by 3:00 pm and reward yourself with a 15-minute chair massage or a manicure.


No doubt you’re spending a lot of time in the sun and probably enjoying some happy hours too. Both are a great way to connect with friends. However, they can also deplete your body of the water it needs, causing you to feel tired. Stay hydrated to keep your energy level up and your body functioning properly.

Eat That Frog

Do the hardest tasks first thing in the morning to get them over with. For example, if you ate a frog in the morning, chances are it’s about the worst thing you’ll have to do all day. Brian Tracy uses the idea of frog eating as the basis for his popular productivity book Eat That Frog. Learn about other great books on productivity from our summer reading series.