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At the beginning of every year, it’s all about: “New year, new me.” We’re sure you say it too.

You commit to doing your best and being better than the year before. But how long does it last – 6 weeks tops?  Maybe 10 if you’re a real trooper. Therefore, we are instituting summer resolutions to get you back on track. Start by thinking back to your previous goals and ask yourself: “How can I make the most of my summer?”

As a starting point, dedicate a portion of your free time to revamping your resume. The summer season offers the perfect opportunity to add or improve a skill that is coveted in today’s job market, such as programming, design, writing and project management.

Lucky for you, we’ve put together a list of free, online classes to help you do just that!

Adobe InDesign Made Easy – A Beginners Guide to InDesign

Time: 105 Lectures (11 Hours)
What You’ll Learn: This course is intended to educate an absolute beginner to utilize Adobe’s InDesign CS5.5 software. It is taught by Infinite Skills, a Canadian based company that offers an array of eLearning classes. When you sign up for the course you will have a lifetime access to all the tutorials and lectures (just in case you need a course refresher in the summer of 2018).

Best Practices for Project Management Success

Time: 11 Weeks (8-12 Hours per Week)
What You’ll Learn: Turn project management principles and theories into practice with the help of RITx. It will teach you the ins and outs of project management including leadership, organization, best practices and portfolio management. This is a fantastic class to take if you are working towards a managerial role.

Learn to Code for Data Analytics

Time: 4 Weeks (5 Hours per Week)
What You’ll Learn: This is a hands-on course that will teach you how to make your own computer programs using Python, a coding language, and how to analyze data from it. You can also choose to upgrade the course for $54 which I recommend for slower learners. The upgrade gives you the ability to take the course at your own pace. It also allows you unlimited access to the course material even after you finish the class.

English Grammar and Style

Time: 8 Weeks (4 Hours per Week)
What You’ll Learn: Taught through EdX, this class will give you the writing education everyone needs. The class covers grammatical concepts, roles and relationships of words, syntactical strategies and much more. Be the wordsmith of your office and own it.

Looking for some additional resources? Check out these career-advancing courses and get started on your summer resolution today!