Important Notice: Beware of Job Scams. We have been alerted to recent fraudulent activity involving scammers posing as our company to contact job seekers. Read here for more information.

It is not uncommon to feel nervous about being called in for an interview. There is so much that goes into representing yourself in the best possible way. What to wear? How to greet? How to sit? Who to look at? What to say? The questions can bubble up and leave you overwhelmed before you even step foot in the office (or virtual meeting room).

We challenge you to embrace the questions and the stress that flood you when you think about your interview. Don’t reduce those feelings but use them to help motivate you to prepare for your interview. Follow these 5 interview preparation tips to help grow your confidence and reduce the anxiety you feel as a result.

Know the job description.

First, print out the job description of the position you are interviewing for. Next to each of the responsibilities, jot down specific examples of how you’ve performed each task. You won’t necessarily have to recite each one, but you never know which expectations of the role (and your experience) are going to be discussed.

Be prepared to talk job history.

On your resume next to each job, list the following: Skills you developed in the position, what you loved most about it, a successful project you completed that you’re most proud, and a difficult project or near miss that you’d love another shot at. Some people think they can get away with reading from their resume in a virtual interview. Most likely if you are in the interview, they have already read your resume. Be sure to engage the conversation.

Identify positive aspects of your career transitions.

Make note of why you transitioned from one job to the next. More money is not a good enough reason, so highlight a skill you were hoping to gain or enhance through the new role.

Interview the interviewer.

Have at least three questions prepared to ask the interviewer about the role and their company. Be sure to ask questions that can help you learn more about the position, make you look informed and give you a better idea of where you stand with the interviewer. Here are some questions you could consider asking: What is the biggest challenge that someone in this role will face? What are the primary goals you would want this person to accomplish in the next 6 months to a year? Do you have any reservations about my background or ability to do this job well that I can address or further clarify?

Do your research.

List one major reason why you want to work for the company, aside from the actual position itself. This job fits within a very specific organization, with its own identity and culture. Hiring managers want to recruit people who aren’t just “capable” of doing the job, but who really want to work for the organization. Do enough research about the company to be able to answer the question, “Why do you want to work here?”


Being prepared is the key to putting your best foot forward for in-person and virtual interviews. Download our complete Guide to Getting Hired for more suggestions on how to grow your skills and confidence to clearly communicate your story and experiences. We know our Guide to Getting Hired will help you land the perfect job in today’s competitive job market.

Let’s get to work!

Joanna Chavers
Joanna Chavers

Leading a successful career with early roots in recruitment, Joanna’s expertise includes the titles of Predictive Index Certified Practitioner and HR Manager. With a decorated track record placing top talent in permanent roles across various industries and disciplines, Joanna used her skill set to organically grow Atrium’s first ever Internal Talent Management department.