Important Notice: Beware of Job Scams. We have been alerted to recent fraudulent activity involving scammers posing as our company to contact job seekers. Read here for more information.
Catch a Recruiter's Eye

Recruiters live in a fast-paced world, and like employers, they are looking for A+ candidates to place. Because of this, the initial stage of connecting with them is crucial. There are some factors to keep in mind in order to catch a Recruiter’s eye. Make sure your resume, phone presence and first-time encounter is top-notch.


Before submitting, make sure your resume aligns with the description and details of the job you’re applying for. Use key words that correlate (without fabricating any information of course). The more your experience matches the job description, the more likely a hiring manager will want to bring you in for an interview. Presentation wise, your resume should be clean-cut. Unless you’re interviewing for a Graphic Designer role, avoid funky fonts and colors. Stick to basic formatting that is consistent and organized. After checking all these things, you are ready to submit!

Phone Presence:

Next comes the call. Phone presence is, as Dj Khaled would say, a “Major key!” Communication itself is an important basic skill that is required for almost any job. The way you speaks over the phone can really speed up (or slow down) the process of landing your next role. “Hi, I need a job” is not going to get you very far. As opposed to, “Hi, my name is John Doe and I am currently seeking employment in Finance (lightly mention last role). Is there a Recruiter I can speak with or forward my resume to?” You got it buddy!

As a Front Desk Associate, I receive many calls from job seekers. I’m in a position to decide what happens next based on how interested and enthusiastic a person sounds. Whether it be redirecting an individual to the company’s website to apply or immediately transferring them over to a Recruiter who will be able to better assist them, the tone is instantly set over the phone. The energy you give is the energy you receive. So, if you sound like you have everything together and have already applied before calling, you are off to a great start.

First-Time Encounter:

Now, the most memorable aspect: face-to-face interactions. First impressions usually occur during in-person or Skype interviews. It is likely that a Recruiter will only meet you once before placing you at a company. So, whatever happens during that first-time encounter is what they will remember you by. What you wear, what you say and the attitude you present will make an impact in the short amount of time you have.

Remember, Recruiters are the middleman between you and your next employer. Clients trust their judgement as experts in staffing, so it’s up to you to impress them with professionalism. Dress appropriately, review your resume beforehand so that you’re prepared, and always follow up. Recruiters love clear communication. Whether you call in advance to reschedule an interview, clearly discuss and elaborate on your skills, or email thank you notes after each interview, you have caught their eye and are on the right track to being at the top of their list!