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Lunch Ideas for Work

I’ve got two simple lunch ideas for work that you need to try, but first, some background…

I’m not going to pretend that I’m a great cook. In fact, there is video footage of me somewhere from years ago making a fake demo for a cooking show I titled “I Hate to Cook“. The idea was to create a cooking show where the host wasn’t the best in the kitchen, but if she could do it, you could too!

Not much has changed in my appetite for cooking since those days. But the few and simple dishes I’ve created, I’ve mastered. So…here are two tried and tested meals that are full of flavor and nutritional value and don’t cost much to put together. They’re great for your wallet and your waistline, so what’s not to love? For those of you working from home, you should try these too!

Lunch Idea for Work #1

Chickpeas, Portobello Mushrooms and Baby Bok Choy.

Just about everyone who has tried this has asked me how to make it. It may be one of the things I’m most proud of.

Olive Oil
Salt + Pepper
Low Sodium Tamari or Soy Sauce
1 can/package of chickpeas
1 package of portobello mushrooms
1-2 bunches of baby bok choy

In a saute pan, heat your preferred oil (I still use olive oil) and dump in a can/package of chick peas. Add salt and pepper, stirring occasionally. Next, add your chopped up mushrooms. Once they’ve cooked down and are nice and brown, add in your bok choy. Add more oil if you feel you need it. Drizzle in some tamari or soy sauce, adding salt and pepper to taste. If you don’t like tamari or soy sauce, it still tastes great without it. This recipe makes one large serving or two smaller ones. But I can eat the whole thing in one sitting and still wish I had more. Let me know how you like it!

*Note: I prefer not to buy things in cans.  Most stores that cater to a health conscious consumer group should have chickpeas in boxes or bags.

Lunch Idea for Work #2

No Cooking Needed: Brown Rice, Chicken and Avocado.

Olive Oil
Pre-cooked natural chicken breasts
Frozen organic brown rice

A few years ago, in an effort to maintain workplace wellness, I was determined not to eat the junk in the office that often gets substituted for my lunch. A quick walk to a nearby Trader Joe’s resulted in a no-fail plan for lunch. A former colleague of mine introduced me to their individually packaged, pre-cooked natural chicken breasts. Done! They also have their own brand of frozen organic brown rice (3 bags come in one box). Done again, and they always have avocado! I’m not a fan of using the microwave, but between that and the junk food, I was willing to compromise. I microwaved the rice and the chicken. Then cut the chicken breast in pieces and mixed it with the rice and added chopped avocado on top. Next, I drizzled olive oil over it and added pepper. It was AMAZING. I’m getting hungry thinking about it right now. The great thing about this is that if you’re able to leave the ingredients at work, you can ensure you’ll always have a healthy, cost effective lunch at your finger tips!

Have any ideas? Let us know!