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Career Coach

Over the years, career coaches have grown in popularity. What used to be seen as a luxury only top executives indulged in, is now becoming mainstream. The workplace is more complicated to navigate than ever. Employees are switching jobs more frequently and companies are wondering how to empower and retain their top talent. In fact, some organizations are hiring outside career coaches to help their employees reach their full potential and overcome any obstacles or blocks they experience.

There are times that working with a coach makes obvious sense. Navigating a career transition or embarking on a job search are of course the most popular. But coaches can also be beneficial to employees in a stable work environment looking to advance within their current organizations. Here are the top ten ways a career coach can help you during all phases of your career:

1. Job Search Strategy.

Job searches are stressful enough. Career coaches serve as a great support system and offer guidance on how best to navigate your search. Whether you need help with networking, writing a cover letter or finding the right positions to apply to, your coach should have you covered.

2. Interview Skills.

When it comes to interviewing, there’s always room for improvement. One of the most beneficial things you can do to prep for an interview is to work with a career coach. You’ll go over everything from areas of weakness in previous interviews to formulating talking points that help you convey your value. Your coach will evaluate how you’re currently answering questions and help you make them more powerful.

3. Interview Debrief.

Some job seekers experience heightened anxiety right after an interview. They second-guess their answers and their doubt can lead to anxiousness and sleepless nights. Having post-interview support can help give a job seeker a better understanding of what’s working or not working for them as well as insight on how to improve for next time.

4. Salary Negotiation.

Salary negotiation is not something you want to approach haphazardly. A career coach can help you come up with a salary range for your negotiation and set you up for success.

5. Asking for a Raise or Promotion.

A career coach ultimately serves to help you get ahead, even if it’s within your current place of employment. Preparation is key when asking for a raise. Your coach will help you make sure your request is based in research and backed by the strength of your achievements.

6. Having Difficult Conversations.

As you progress in your career, the number of difficult conversations you’ll need to have will likely increase. Your professional reputation may hinge on how you approach these conversations. A coach can help you organize your thoughts and remain objective. Together, you’ll practice having the conversation a few different ways so you can experience it in a real way to find the approach that works best for you.

7. Overcoming Obstacles.

No career path is free of obstacles. They will range in size, but they are a certainty. Whether you’re dealing with a personality conflict or you’re not getting the projects you really want to work on, a coach will offer support and help create a strategy for you to overcome your obstacles.

8. Getting Clear on Your Goals.

One of the biggest things career coaches do is help people clearly define what it is they want to achieve. This is crucial as so many people are disengaged at work and still wonder what it is that would make them truly happy.

9. Keep You on Track.

The grass often seems greener when comparing workplace environments. A career coach will help keep you on track by making sure your decisions are based on your own wants and needs. With so much noise around us, it’s easy to start making decisions based on other people’s expectations without even realizing it. Stopping to evaluate decisions with an impartial party can offer incredible reassurance when things seem uncertain.

10. Deciding it’s Time to Leave a Job.

Leaving a job is not an easy decision to make. Unfortunately, it’s easy to give way to emotions and make a rash decision that you later regret. Conversely, if leaving your job is indeed the right decision to make, your coach can guide you on how to do so without burning bridges. It’s important to note that your job search may take time and biding your time in a job you’ve decided to leave is not an easy feat. Having a safe place to talk freely about any dissatisfaction you’re feeling will ensure that you can maintain a dedicated face at work until you’ve committed to a new position.