Important Notice: Beware of Job Scams. We have been alerted to recent fraudulent activity involving scammers posing as our company to contact job seekers. Read here for more information.
Job Application

There are several pieces of information to keep track of during a job search. If you apply to multiple positions over a short period of time, trying to stay organized can easily become overwhelming. Without a running list to review, you can confuse one job with another. Consequently, it could encourage you to shoot off job application after job application not realizing what you’ve already done.

Keeping better track of your job applications allows you to build a network list, set goals, and stay on target. When someone reaches out to follow up, you won’t be scrambling to remember the details associated with the role. You’ll feel more prepared, confident, and can give off a great first impression.

Getting Organized

You can use Excel, Word, Google Spreadsheets, a notebook, or, of course, there’s an app for tracking job applications too! You determine what works best for you. We designed a FREE excel template you can download and use. Here are a few vital pieces of information that should always be included no matter which tool you choose to use:

  • Application Method: Did you apply through the employer’s website, via a job site or submit your resume and cover letter directly to someone’s email?
  • Application Summary: Did you include additional documents or answer a short questionnaire?

Creating Resume and Cover Letter Folders

Instead of having 17 variations of your resume and cover letter saved on your desktop, create folders for different documents to stay organized. You can sort the folders by position type, or by company / industry.

Finding Unique Identifiers

Look for job IDs on job listings to reference when you do get in touch with a recruiter or hiring manager. For many companies, this is likely the easiest way to find that exact position in their system.

Remember: The More Detailed the Better

If you forget details easily – keep thorough notes! Whichever part of the job search or interview process you’re in, keep comprehensive notes to reference. After each application, phone call or interview, jot down some key takeaways.