Important Notice: Beware of Job Scams. We have been alerted to recent fraudulent activity involving scammers posing as our company to contact job seekers. Read here for more information.
apply for a job online

The process of searching for a new job can seem like a full-time job itself. Recruiters and Hiring Managers post thousands of positions each and every day on numerous job boards. Because of this, it can be challenging to know how to apply for a job online and get it with a resume alone.

To heighten your chances of landing that phone screen or interview, here are three things to ask yourself. First, have you done thorough research on the company you’re applying to? Second, do your resume and cover letter match the role you’re applying for? And finally, do you have anyone in your network who can refer you to someone connected with the company?

Rather than taking the easy route with one-click applications, take 5 minutes to think about what you’re submitting. According to Glassdoor research, on average, each corporate job offer attracts 250 resumes. Of those candidates, 4 to 6 will get called for an interview, and only one will get the job. Be thoughtful when applying, you will thank yourself for the time invested in this process when you land interviews for roles that you really are a fit for. 

Have You Done Your Company Research?

While it is important to show companies that you are familiar with their business, it is just as important for you to know what you are getting yourself into. Before taking the time to fill out an application, visit the company website, and read reviews from current and former employees. You may save yourself a bit of time if you realize the culture and/or mission statement are not aligned with your values. Search for more information about what it’s like to work for a particular company on sites like Indeed or Glassdoor

Do Your Resume and Cover Letter Match this Role?

On your resume, make sure you highlight experience that is relevant to the role you’re applying for. Use the cover letter to go into more detail. Craft a cover letter that highlights your background and experience.

To take it a step further, connect the cover letter back to the job posting. For instance, a Marketing Associate role you saw lists that the position will be responsible for maintaining Instagram, Facebook and Twitter platforms. Connect this back to you by stating, “I have experience creating targeted content on social media platforms and appreciate that your Marketing Team is responsible for engaging your audience.” Hiring Managers are looking for candidates who are the missing puzzle piece for their internal teams. Adding those little details in to match what they’re looking for will help you get noticed. 

Do You Have Anyone In Your Network Who Can Refer You?

According to LinkedIn, having a connection vouch for you is the best way to be a standout applicant. In her writing, Bryce Lewis says, “The #1 way that job seekers have reported first discovering a job, was through someone they knew. Not that surprising as nearly 50% of recruiters say referrals are the leading source of quality hires.” Check out LinkedIn’s “Ask For A Referral” feature on jobs where you know people! They make it easy for you, allowing you to choose templates for the best wordplay when sending your message.

Hopefully these tips will help you apply for a job online and get it, or at least get to the next step in the screening process!