Important Notice: Beware of Job Scams. We have been alerted to recent fraudulent activity involving scammers posing as our company to contact job seekers. Read here for more information.
Waiting for Recruiter Response

When it comes to job searching, there are a lot of moving parts. Anxiety can escalate when you are waiting for a recruiter response. If you’ve found yourself wondering about the infamous “black hole” of job applications, you are not the only one. Some days you may feel like there is no one actually behind the screen on the other side of your application. You might not necessarily be wrong (we are indeed undergoing a digital transformation). But you’re not right either.

It’s important to remember that the number of job seekers today is at an all-time high. Recruiters sincerely want to place qualified talent into open roles wherever possible. Still, candidates deserve feedback. And it is hard to stay motivated while searching for a new job when you are also struggling to receive feedback. Don’t lose your steam! A lot goes on behind the scenes between submitting an application and receiving a recruiter response.

Understanding These 4 Things Can Help Ease Your Mind and Your Job Search:

1. Recruiters are working hard to keep talent flourishing.

Like in any role, recruiters are trying to juggle multiple responsibilities. They are sifting through thousands of applications, resumes, profiles and job boards. And, in addition to sourcing and interviewing candidates, many recruiters are responsible for business development and/or client success as well as marketing and administrative tasks. Now more than ever, recruiters and hiring managers are extremely busy.

Their role can often span across many departments depending on the company in a normal environment. And today’s work environment is not typical. Many recruiters have taken on tasks, markets and geographies outside of their normal job scope. In the current landscape, you may not be able to count on a “typical” recruiter response. But don’t lose faith. If you haven’t received immediate feedback from your recruiter, they may not have an immediate job match for you. Hang in there!

2. When there are more applications, there is more prescreening.

Recruiters and Human Resources departments often utilize an Applicant Tracking System (ATS) to help manage the high number of applicants. If you’re not familiar with the recruiting industry you may have never heard the acronym, ATS. Simply put, an ATS is a software tool woven into a website or application hub. It organizes applicants and resumes based on key words.

For the most success during the prescreening phase, try to mirror words and phrases in your resume and CV with those in the specific job description of the role to which you are applying. Don’t worry, it’s not cheating! Your job search strategy should embrace the modern processes and technologies that companies are using to understand how to communicate resumes, cover letters and job applications effectively.

3. Focus on quality rather than quantity.

Your resume and CV should mirror the job description for the position you are seeking. Not only does this increase your chances of getting through the ATS, it shows recruiters you proactively read the job description and understand the job requirements. You are competing with infinite applicants and the easiest thing you can do to get ahead is re-read application instructions for clarity, proofread your resume and put thought into your words. One spelling error could be the difference between you, and someone else. Don’t apply to hundreds of jobs hastily. Instead, apply to five jobs with precision.

4. The right opportunity is more than just a job.

Remember, recruiters and hiring managers can see your social media activity. Make sure you are putting your best foot forward. When a company hires you, they are asking you to represent their brand, mission, and corporate ideals. And you should also be evaluating your potential employer to ensure their values align with your own. It’s important you feel you can represent your best self within a new role and organization. Job hunting requires researching potential employers to ensure it is the right opportunity and culture for you.

Arguably, the most important part of job searching and interviewing is to be yourself. And in the end, if you don’t get a response from a recruiter it may simply be because of timing and an abundance of job applications. Make sure you have the right qualifications. And keep applying! Be prepared to interview so you feel confident in a competitive talent market. If you do get an interview but don’t get the job, make sure you understand why. Then, keep practicing and keep searching. You’ll get there.

You may not always receive the recruiter response you want. But, the important thing to take away is that there are other opportunities that may be even better for you. Focus on your professional development and don’t give up.